Opening Hours

Cremation services are held between:

9am - 3.45pm Monday - Friday
9am - 12pm Saturday

The duration of each service time is 45 minutes inclusive of access and egress time.

Booking arrangements for funeral directors by phone

Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm. Head Office (7 West Regent Street) - Tel: 07818 014027

Saturday, 8:30am - 1pm.  Crematorium Direct - Tel: 0141 946 2895

Sunday, 11am - 3pm. Crematorium Direct - Tel: 0141 946 2895

Funeral directors can register for an online out of hours booking service. (PENDING)

Access to memorial facilities

Access to the Book of Remembrance and walled Garden of Remembrance are available Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm, on Saturday 9am - 1pm and Sunday 11am - 3pm. Last admission is 15 minutes prior to closing times detailed.

The Garden of Reflection situated beside the New Chapel to the rear of the building has unlimited access.

The Columbarium Tower niche facility for ashes is generally only available for access on Sundays or by prior arrangement with management as access is achieved through the Old Chapel service room.