Gardens Of Remembrance and Reflection

All funeral floral tributes will be placed to the front of the Garden of Reflection for a period of one week at which time they will be removed. If the family wishes to retain the flowers, please instruct the Funeral Director and we will make the appropriate arrangements for their collection.

Whilst we all share the sadness that comes when someone passes, it is not possible for us to allow unofficial memorials to be attached to the trees or laid on the surrounding areas. This can be damaging to the trees and can affect the enjoyment of other visitors, therefore this is not permitted.

Our deepest sympathies are with those of you who have lost loved ones, and we are very sorry if this causes any offence, we assure you that none is intended.

We ask that within our Gardens Of Remembrance, people visiting leave behind only flowers and cards that can be removed after a sufficient period of time.

The Society does have official memorials ( Book of remembrance and wall tablets ) available.


Any queries should be directed to the managers office beside the New Chapel or by telephone on 0141 946 2895.