Online Book of Remembrance

By Glasgow Crematorium | 15/12/2021 | 0 Comments
Online Book of Remembrance 
We are delighted to announce the launch of our newly digitised Books of Remembrance.
With this 24/7 online access you will be able to view your treasured memorial inscription whether it be in private for a personal time of reflection or viewed collectively in the supportive presence of family and friends. To access the online Book of Remembrance, please use the following link and search by either using the search by date or the recently updated , search by name option.
The full memorial page for the date in question will displayed and you may also scroll backwards and forwards through other pages.
We hope that during this particularly difficult time of pandemic, and beyond, this safe access option will provide a measure of comfort to those for whom travel arrangements to attend the Memorial Arcade at Glasgow Crematorium in person might be difficult.
Further details on any of our memorialisation features can be obtained by emailing  or by phoning 0141 886 6644.
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Gardens Of Remembrance and Reflection

By Glasgow Crematorium | 04/11/2021 | 0 Comments

All funeral floral tributes will be placed to the front of the Garden of Reflection for a period of one week at which time they will be removed. If the family wishes to retain the flowers, please instruct the Funeral Director and we will make the appropriate arrangements for their collection.

Whilst we all share the sadness that comes when someone passes, it is not possible for us to allow unofficial memorials to be attached to the trees or laid on the surrounding areas. This can be damaging to the trees and can affect the enjoyment of other visitors, therefore this is not permitted.

Our deepest sympathies are with those of you who have lost loved ones, and we are very sorry if this causes any offence, we assure you that none is intended.

We ask that within our Gardens Of Remembrance, people visiting leave behind only flowers and cards that can be removed after a sufficient period of time.

The Society does have official memorials ( Book of remembrance and wall tablets ) available.


Any queries should be directed to the managers office beside the New Chapel or by telephone on 0141 946 2895.



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Organ Tribute

By Glasgow Crematorium | 10/08/2021 | 0 Comments

Following his father’s cremation at Glasgow Crematorium in December 2020, Mr John Burnett, an organist, gifted an electronic organ for the New Chapel in memory of his late father, Mr Samuel Beresford Burnett. Mr Samuel Burnett was himself a classically trained organist and it is fitting that his son is pictured here in front of our RAF stained glass window considering his late father’s past military service in the RAF. This most generous gift has provided a very high-quality instrument which will greatly enhance the musical offering for families and friends attending services in the New Chapel.

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125 Years

By Glasgow Crematorium | 17/04/2020 | 0 Comments

Today marks the 125th anniversary of the first cremation performed in Scotland at Glasgow Crematorium on 17 April 1895. Scotland’s first crematorium opened during a time of cholera, typhoid and diphtheria. On this anniversary the nation is sadly once more witnessing substantial loss from a devastating pandemic. The Scottish Cremation Society is part of Glasgow’s heritage – a tribute to inspirational local design and engineering – and a cherished place where we can celebrate life and reflect on our losses and remember.

The Society has operated for 125 years with a testimony of empathy and care. We offer our strength and experienced professional services in this time of need. Although we have adapted our funeral services in order to comply with official COVID-19 guidance, our compassionate team continues to provide attentiveness, comfort and support to bereaved families who are faced with the extra challenges of self-isolation and social distancing at a sad time.

We shall endure together.


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